Arquivo do mês: dezembro 2008


It seems to me that we are both the samePlaying the same game…   …She’s so vulnerable, like china in my handsShe’s so vulnerable and I don’t understandI could never hurt someone I love

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The Interpreter

Everyone who loses somebody wants revenge on someone, on God if they can’t find anyone else. But in Africa, in Matobo, the Ku believe that the only way to end grief is to save a life. If someone is murdered, … Continuar lendo

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Legally Blonde 2

Sid: An honest voice is louder then a crowd’s.

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Law & Order: SVU

Casey: Maybe he’d be alive if I hadn’t made him leave.Olivia Benson: You had to save yourself.

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Se eu não tive medo de receber as coisas ruins, porque eu vou ter medo de receber as coisas boas.

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